Monday, April 23, 2012

RocknRolla (2008)

Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Starring: Gerard Butler, Tom Wilkinson

Rotten Tomatoes: 59%
IMDb: 7.3
On Netflix Streaming: No


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels director Guy Ritchie heads back to the London underworld for this hyperkinetic crime comedy concerning a shady land deal that leaves every schemer in the city determined to get rich or die trying. When a Russian mobster orchestrates a lucrative real estate scam, every criminal in London wants a piece of the action. Greed is the universal language, and everyone from unrelenting crime boss Lenny Cole (Tom Wilkinson) to street-smart criminal One Two (Gerard Butler), corrupt accountant Stella (Thandie Newton), and unpredictable punk rocker Johnny Quid (Toby Kebbell) seem to speak it fluently. As the bullets start to fly and the double crosses multiply, there's no telling who will walk away with the fortune after the gun smoke has cleared. Jeremy Piven, Chris "Ludacris" Bridges, and Quantum of Solace Bond girl Gemma Arterton co-star.

My Thoughts:
Most British movies seem to be very good, for some reason. Out of all the British films out there, Guy Richie is by far the best when it comes to action movies. If you have seen Snatch or Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels then I guarantee you'll like this. Guy Richie also did the Sherlock Holmes movies, but this one, and the other two I just mentioned are much better than those. So if you haven't seen it and like action/crime movies, then you should give it a shot.

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